Meet Me!


Hi there! I’m Jessica and welcome to my WordPress blog!   I’ve been wanting to blog for awhile, but like most people I just couldn’t bring myself to sit down and get started.  What should my title be?  How do I narrow down all of my interests?  Well, I’ve decided to call my blog “A little bit of this/that” and just go with it.  So here I am and I’m ready to hit the ground running!

I’m 27 years old and from Long Island, New York.  Growing up, my mom always called me “Busy Jessi” and not much has changed now that I am an adult.

In addition to my day job (my adventures in my career could have been a blog in itself!), I’m also a Zumba Fitness Instructor, bartender/waitress, daughter, girlfriend (Patrick <3), sister (two brothers and one sister) and aunt (love my niece Anna!!).

One year ago, I moved into my first new apartment (well, besides my college days) in order to try and be a “real” grown-up.  Believe it or not, I wanted to do all of my own cooking, dishes, and cleaning!  But have no fear… I love to let loose and have fun too!

I’m looking forward to sharing the recipes I find online (after trying them out for you), sharing my apartment decorations with you, crafting, random thoughts, and anything else that comes to mind as I learn to be more self-sufficient and mature.  Are you ready to join me on my journey? 🙂

Thanks for visiting and I hope you’ll bookmark me and come back again soon!

❤ Jessi


Meet Patrick 🙂

One thought on “Meet Me!

  1. Hello Jessica!
    My name is Lucía Bernar and I work in Labstore (Advertising Company of Young&Rubicam Group). I´m writting to you to see if you could tell me where did you get the vintage suitcase from. You posted it on July, 12,2013. I would really appreciate if you could give me this information.

    I hope to hear from you soon,
    Thank you very much,
    Lucía Bernar

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