She’s Back!

It happens like clockwork. Every summer, around this time. I get an e-mail from to renew my blog and my domain. Without hesitation, I immediately agree to charge my credit card.

I’ve definitely spent the small fee of around $30 for the entire year in MUCH worse ways.  Then, I remind myself why I started this blog in the first place and convince myself to get back on the wagon:

“Jess.. you love writing!”

“All those ideas in your head do absolutely no good by staying in your head!”

“Why not have your corner of the Internet where the people who truly care for updates on your life can come view them at will instead of you forcing your daily adventures down their throats on Facebook?”

Haha. You get the point.  Plus, there really has been SO much that has happened in my life and I truly miss being able to share my life experiences with family, friends, and the world – whether it’s traveling to a new place, trying out a new recipe with my husband (yes, I said husband!) or anything at all… All while sharing my trials and tribulations along the way.

I look forward to recapping some of the stuff I didn’t get a chance to share and all of the adventures in the future!  I’m glad to be back and in the meantime I’ll leave you with one photo of the best day of my life. Just WAIT ’til you hear the details about this one… 😉


Mrs. Rogers ❤️

Photo Courtesy: Dear Stacey Photography